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ORF annotation of skipped exon cases (for TCGA)


ORF annotation of skipped exon cases (for GTEx)


Exon skipping inducing mutations in TCGA

:Cancer type-Sample-Gene-ENSTs-Chromosome-Three exons-Skipped exon's start-Skipped exon's end-Mutation start-Mutation end-Mutation type-Ref nucleotide sequence-Mutation nucleotide sequence-Protein sequence change

Exon skipping inducing mutations in CCLE

:Cell line name-Gene-ENSG-ENSTs-Three exons-Skipped exon's start-Skipped exon's end-Mutation start-Mutation end-Mutation type-Ref nucleotide sequence-Mutation nucleotide sequence-Protein sequence change

Exon skipping event loci at genomic, transcriptomic, and protein sequence (for TCGA)

:Gene-ENST-Lengh of mRNA-Length of protein-Genomic start-Genomic end-mRNA start-mRNA end-Protein start-Protein end

Exon skipping event loci at genomic, transcriptomic, and protein sequence (for GTEx)

:Gene-ENST-Lengh of mRNA-Length of protein-Genomic start-Genomic end-mRNA start-mRNA end-Protein start-Protein end

Lost protein functional features due to in-frame exon skipping events in TCGA


Lost protein functional features due to in-frame exon skipping events in GTEx


sQTL located in the skipped exons in TCGA

:Gene-ESID-Type of AS-Strand-Three exons' loci-Skipped exon loci-ENSG-ENSTs-Cancer type-SNPid-Chromosome loci-Mutation sequence-Qvalue

Exon skipped gene list with sQTM in TCGA

:Cancer type-Gene-ESID

Exon skipped gene list with pathogenic sQTM in TCGA

:Cancer type-Gene-ESID