Schematic overview of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the cancer progression, including the proposed cellular and molecular mechanisms in cancer cells trajectory. AT1: alveolar type 1 cells; AT2: alveolar type 2 cells; AAH: atypical adenomatous hyperplasia; AIS: adenocarcinoma in situ; MIA: minimally invasive adenocarcinoma; IA: invasive adenocarcinoma; EMT: epithelial-mesenchymal transition






Center for Computational Systems Medicine

Gene summary


Malignant transformation analysis


Malignant transformation related pathway analysis


Cell-cell communication analysis


Single-cell gene regulatory network inference analysis


Somatic mutation of malignant transformation related genes


Related drugs of malignant transformation related genes

Gene: BABAM2

Gene summary for BABAM2

check button Gene summary.

Gene informationSpeciesHuman
Gene symbol


Gene ID


Gene nameBRISC and BRCA1 A complex member 2
Gene AliasBRCC4
Gene Typeprotein-coding





Malignant transformation analysis

check button Identification of the aberrant gene expression in precancerous and cancerous lesions by comparing the gene expression of stem-like cells in diseased tissues with normal stem cells
check button Malignant transformation involving gene list.
Entrez IDSymbolReplicatesSpeciesOrganTissueAdj P-valueLog2FCMalignancy
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check button Transcriptomic changes along malignancy continuum.
TissueExpression DynamicsAbbreviation
Colorectum (GSE201348)The image shows the transcriptomic changes along malignancy continuum.log2FC in expression of this searched gene in stem-like cells from each diseased tissue sample relative to stem-like cells in normal samples in each tissue plotted against the malignancy continuum. Samples are colored based on if they are from different disease stage.FAP: Familial adenomatous polyposis
CRC: Colorectal cancer
Colorectum (HTA11)The image shows the transcriptomic changes along malignancy continuum.log2FC in expression of this searched gene in stem-like cells from each diseased tissue sample relative to stem-like cells in normal samples in each tissue plotted against the malignancy continuum. Samples are colored based on if they are from different disease stage.AD: Adenomas
SER: Sessile serrated lesions
MSI-H: Microsatellite-high colorectal cancer
MSS: Microsatellite stable colorectal cancer
EndometriumThe image shows the transcriptomic changes along malignancy continuum.log2FC in expression of this searched gene in stem-like cells from each diseased tissue sample relative to stem-like cells in normal samples in each tissue plotted against the malignancy continuum. Samples are colored based on if they are from different disease stage.AEH: Atypical endometrial hyperplasia
EEC: Endometrioid Cancer
LiverThe image shows the transcriptomic changes along malignancy continuum.log2FC in expression of this searched gene in stem-like cells from each diseased tissue sample relative to stem-like cells in normal samples in each tissue plotted against the malignancy continuum. Samples are colored based on if they are from different disease stage.HCC: Hepatocellular carcinoma
NAFLD: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
LungThe image shows the transcriptomic changes along malignancy continuum.log2FC in expression of this searched gene in stem-like cells from each diseased tissue sample relative to stem-like cells in normal samples in each tissue plotted against the malignancy continuum. Samples are colored based on if they are from different disease stage.AAH: Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia
AIS: Adenocarcinoma in situ
IAC: Invasive lung adenocarcinoma
MIA: Minimally invasive adenocarcinoma
ThyroidThe image shows the transcriptomic changes along malignancy continuum.log2FC in expression of this searched gene in stem-like cells from each diseased tissue sample relative to stem-like cells in normal samples in each tissue plotted against the malignancy continuum. Samples are colored based on if they are from different disease stage.ATC: Anaplastic thyroid cancer
HT: Hashimoto's thyroiditis
PTC: Papillary thyroid cancer
∗log2FC in expression of this searched gene in stem-like cells from each diseased tissue sample relative to stem-like cells in normal samples in each tissue plotted against the malignancy continuum. Samples are colored based on if they are from different disease stage.


Malignant transformation related pathway analysis

check buttonFind out the enriched GO biological processes and KEGG pathways involved in transition from healthy to precancer to cancer
check button Figure of enriched GO biological processes.
TissueDisease StageEnriched GO biological Processes
EsophagusESCCGO analysis - Figure of enriched GO biological processes: Top 15 enriched GO BP terms are showed in the bar plot of each disease state in each tissue. Each row represents a significant GO biological process which is colored according to the -log10(p.adjust).
SkinAKGO analysis - Figure of enriched GO biological processes: Top 15 enriched GO BP terms are showed in the bar plot of each disease state in each tissue. Each row represents a significant GO biological process which is colored according to the -log10(p.adjust).
SkinSCCISGO analysis - Figure of enriched GO biological processes: Top 15 enriched GO BP terms are showed in the bar plot of each disease state in each tissue. Each row represents a significant GO biological process which is colored according to the -log10(p.adjust).
SkincSCCGO analysis - Figure of enriched GO biological processes: Top 15 enriched GO BP terms are showed in the bar plot of each disease state in each tissue. Each row represents a significant GO biological process which is colored according to the -log10(p.adjust).
ThyroidHTGO analysis - Figure of enriched GO biological processes: Top 15 enriched GO BP terms are showed in the bar plot of each disease state in each tissue. Each row represents a significant GO biological process which is colored according to the -log10(p.adjust).
∗Top 15 enriched GO BP terms are showed in the bar plot of each disease state in each tissue. Each row represents a significant GO biological process which is colored according to the -log10(p.adjust).
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check button Enriched GO biological processes.
GO IDTissueDisease StageDescriptionGene RatioBg Ratiopvaluep.adjustCount
GO:0051052ColorectumADregulation of DNA metabolic process116/3918359/187232.47e-071.00e-05116
GO:0051054ColorectumADpositive regulation of DNA metabolic process73/3918201/187233.27e-071.29e-0573
GO:2001020ColorectumADregulation of response to DNA damage stimulus71/3918219/187234.38e-057.65e-0471
GO:0006325ColorectumADchromatin organization119/3918409/187234.85e-058.33e-04119
GO:2001022ColorectumADpositive regulation of response to DNA damage stimulus36/3918105/187231.02e-039.47e-0336
GO:0006282ColorectumADregulation of DNA repair42/3918130/187231.57e-031.32e-0242
GO:0007346ColorectumADregulation of mitotic cell cycle119/3918457/187234.60e-033.14e-02119
GO:00510541ColorectumSERpositive regulation of DNA metabolic process53/2897201/187234.51e-051.13e-0353
GO:00510521ColorectumSERregulation of DNA metabolic process83/2897359/187238.03e-051.77e-0383
GO:00063251ColorectumSERchromatin organization89/2897409/187234.15e-046.17e-0389
GO:20010201ColorectumSERregulation of response to DNA damage stimulus49/2897219/187234.24e-033.45e-0249
GO:00510522ColorectumMSSregulation of DNA metabolic process108/3467359/187235.86e-083.10e-06108
GO:00510542ColorectumMSSpositive regulation of DNA metabolic process69/3467201/187236.33e-083.26e-0669
GO:20010202ColorectumMSSregulation of response to DNA damage stimulus64/3467219/187237.20e-051.21e-0364
GO:00063252ColorectumMSSchromatin organization107/3467409/187237.22e-051.21e-03107
GO:20010221ColorectumMSSpositive regulation of response to DNA damage stimulus33/3467105/187239.83e-049.86e-0333
GO:00062821ColorectumMSSregulation of DNA repair38/3467130/187231.93e-031.67e-0238
GO:00073461ColorectumMSSregulation of mitotic cell cycle108/3467457/187233.30e-032.50e-02108
GO:0006302ColorectumMSSdouble-strand break repair64/3467251/187233.58e-032.65e-0264
GO:0045739ColorectumMSSpositive regulation of DNA repair23/346773/187235.22e-033.57e-0223
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check button Enriched KEGG pathways.
Pathway IDTissueDisease StageDescriptionGene RatioBg Ratiopvaluep.adjustqvalueCount
Page: 1 


Cell-cell communication analysis

check buttonIdentification of potential cell-cell interactions between two cell types and their ligand-receptor pairs for different disease states
LigandReceptorLRpairPathwayTissueDisease Stage
Page: 1 


Single-cell gene regulatory network inference analysis

check buttonFind out the significant the regulons (TFs) and the target genes of each regulon across cell types for different disease states
TFCell TypeTissueDisease StageTarget GeneRSSRegulon Activity
∗The dot plots of a searched regulon are shown for all cell subpopulations in each disease state of each tissue based on the regulon specific score inferred using pySCENIC and by calculating the average expression.
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Somatic mutation of malignant transformation related genes

check buttonAnnotation of somatic variants for genes involved in malignant transformation
Hugo SymbolVariant ClassVariant ClassificationdbSNP RSHGVScHGVSpHGVSp ShortSWISSPROTBIOTYPESIFTPolyPhenTumor Sample BarcodeTissueHistologySexAgeStageTherapy TypesDrugsOutcome
Page: 1 


Related drugs of malignant transformation related genes

check buttonIdentification of chemicals and drugs interact with genes involved in malignant transfromation
(DGIdb 4.0)
Entrez IDSymbolCategoryInteraction TypesDrug Claim NameDrug NamePMIDs
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