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About DRMref

Overview figure

   Drug resistance is a pervasive challenge in cancer treatment. The emergence and development of single-cell technology enable us to investigate the mechanisms of drug resistance at the individual cell and cell type levels. Therefore, we established the DRMref database, which aims to provide comprehensive characterization of drug resistance mechanisms using single-cell data obtained from drug treatment settings.
   The current version of DRMref database includes 42 scRNA datasets from 30 studies, 14 of which have both pre- and post-treatment samples, covering 666 samples, 13 major cancer types, 26 minor cancer types, 35 treatment regimens, and 42 drugs.

   We conducted analysis on the differences in cell composition, intra-tumor heterogeneity (ITH) and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) scores, cell-cell interactions, and differentially expressed genes between the resistant and sensitive groups. DRMref also performed enrichment analysis of 6 known drug resistance mechanisms, Hallmark, KEGG and GO BP pathways. Additionally, We provide microRNAs, motifs and transcription factors (TFs) realted to drug resistance-related genes. DRMref will serve as a unique resource for studing drug resistance, drug combination therapy and discovering new targets.

bullet pointSearch

Examples: Gene symbol: MALAT1, Ensembl gene ID: ENSG00000251562

Examples: pomalidomide

bullet pointBrowse by cancer type

   Each entry shows the datasets with this cancer type. The duplicate datasets represent that these datasets contain both pre- and post-treatment samples.

Acute lymphoblastic
leukemia (4)

Acute myeloid
leukemia (2)

Breast cancer (11)

Chronic lymphocytic
leukemia (3)

Endometrial cancer (1)

Kidney cancer (1)

Liver cancer (1)

Lung cancer (5)

Melanoma (5)

Multiple myeloma (5)

Neuroblastoma (1)

Pancreatic cancer (1)

Prostate cancer (2)

bullet pointBrowse by drug type

   Each entry shows the datasets with this drug type. The duplicate datasets represent that these datasets contain both pre- and post-treatment samples.

   • Chemotherapy (7)    • Targeted therapy (23)    • Immunotherapy (12)
bullet pointBrowse by functional analysis

   Each entry shows the unique datasets with this analysis. Additionally, the "Enrichment analysis of six known drug resistance mechanisms" module shows the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) enriched in six known drug resistance mechanisms. The "Difference of cell-cell interactions between resistant and sensitive groups" module also shows the DEGs involved in significant ligand-receptor pairs. The "Motifs and transcription factors(TFs) regulating drug resistance-related DEGs in each cell type" module also shows the differentially expressed TFs between the resistant and sensitive groups. "Differentially expressed drug target genes between the resistant and sensitive groups." module displays the DEGs that act as drug targets.

   • Comparison of cell composition between resistant and sensitive groups.
   • Comparison of ITH and EMT scores between resistant and sensitive groups.
   • Difference of cell-cell interactions between resistant and sensitive groups.
   • Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between resistant and sensitive groups in each cell type.
   • Mechanism analysis of drug resistance-related DEGs in each cell type.

        a. Enrichment analysis of six known drug resistance mechanisms.

        b. Enrichment analysis of Hallmark, KEGG and GO BP pathways.

   • MicroRNAs (miRNAs) regulating drug resistance-related DEGs.
   • Motifs and transcription factors(TFs) regulating drug resistance-related DEGs in each cell type.
   • Differentially expressed drug target genes between the resistant and sensitive groups.