Navigation1. IPAfunc information2. Understanding annotation of IPAfunc a. Search by gene symbol or IpA ID, example: Gene symbol: AACS, IpA ID: chr12:125622275:+AACS b. Gene search result page c. IPAfunc annotation result page i. Summary of IpA events by genes ii. Associations of IpA events and isoform expression iii. Associations of IpA events and gene expression iv. Stage-specific differential IpA events v. Prognosis-related IpA events vi. IpA-regulated miRNA escape vii. Effect of IpA events in splicing factors on alternative splicing viii. IpA events Quantitative Trait Methylation (IpAQTM) ix. Effect of IpA events in RBPs on their targets x. IpA events dysregulated by SNPs xi. IpA events associated immune infiltration xii. IpA events related FDA approved-drugs xiii. IpA events contribute to drug resistance 3. Download data and contact us 1. IPAfunc information IPAfunc reveals the upregulators of IpA events, such as the effects of genetic variants on intronic poly(A) sites and RBPs, as well as the effect of methylation phenotypes on IpA events. These findings demonstrate that IPAfunc is a useful resource for better understanding IpA and their potential functions in cancer biology. 2. Understanding annotation of IPAfunc a. Search by gene symbol or IpA ID, example: Gene symbol: AACS, IpA ID: chr12:125622275:+AACS - Input query: Gene symbol. b. Gene search result page This image shows the gene list according to your search. c. IPAfunc annotation result page This image shows IPAfunc's annotation categories for your query with links to their corresponding annotation parts. i. 'Summary of IpA events by genes' category This image category shows the information of the IPAfunc. ii. 'Associations of IpA events and isoform expression' category This image category provides the associations of IpA events and isoform expression. Note: There is no result of AACS in this category. Here is the result of C1orf159 as an example. iii. 'Associations of IpA events and gene expression' category This image category provides the associations of IpA events and gene expression. iv. 'Stage-specific differential IpA events' category This image category provides the stage-specific differential IpA events. v. 'Prognosis-related IpA events' category This image category provides the prognosis-related IpA events. Note: There is no result of AACS in this category. Here is the result of CASZ1 as an example. vi. 'IpA-regulated miRNA escape' category This image category provides the IpA-regulated miRNA escape. vii. 'Effect of IpA events in splicing factors on alternative splicing' category This image category provides the effect of IpA events in splicing factors on alternative splicing. viii. 'IpA events Quantitative Trait Methylation (IpAQTM)' category This image category provides IpA events Quantitative Trait Methylation (IpAQTM). ix. 'Effect of IpA events in RBPs on their targets' category This image category provides Effect of IpA events in RBPs on their targets. x. 'IpA events dysregulated by SNPs' category This image category provides IpA events dysregulated by SNPs. xi. 'IpA events associated immune infiltration' category This image category provides IpA events associated immune infiltration. xii. 'IpA events related FDA approved-drugs' category This image category provides IpA events related FDA approved-drugs. Note: There is no result of AACS in this category. Here is the result of A1BG as an example. xiii. 'IpA events contribute to drug resistance' category This image category provides IpA events contribute to drug resistance. 3. Download data and contact us Please go to download page and contact page. |