About CAeditome
A-to-I RNA editing, contributing to nearly 90% of all editing events in human, has been reported to contribute to pathogenesis and progression of cancer. To date, systematic and intensive annotations of A-to-I RNA editing in cancer are not available. Here, we built CAeditome, the annotation database of A-to-I RNA editing in cancer available at https://ccsm.uth.edu/CAeditome/, aiming to provide a resource and reference for functional annotation of A-to-I RNA editing in cancer to identify therapeutically targetable genes in individual. We collected 18,414 genes that have 1,530,875 editing sites and 54,670,530 editing events in 11,056 samples across 33 cancer types from the TCGA database (The Cancer Genome Atlas). For these editing events, we performed multiple functional annotations. These include studies of Tumor-specific editing events, tumor stage and survival associated editing events and the influence of editing events on gene expression, protein recoding, RNA stability, alternative splicing and miRNA specificity regulation for all the genes, especially for tumor related genes in order to explore the pathology of cancer. CAeditome will be a unique resource for cancer and drug research communities to identify therapeutically targetable editing events.